Garden Terrace


Step into a picturesque garden with our Garden Terrace Bouquet, a vibrant symphony of nature’s most majestic hues. Delicate pink roses and spray roses, along with pristine white Asiatic lilies, take center stage, while the rich tones of plum mini carnations add depth and allure. Lush greens provide the perfect backdrop, enhancing the bouquet’s natural beauty.

Expertly arranged in a designer glass vase, this bouquet exudes a fresh and lively charm, infusing any space with warmth and cheer. Whether it’s a celebration, a gesture of love, or a token of appreciation, the Garden Terrace Bouquet is sure to delight and uplift with its exquisite combination of colors and textures. Let this stunning arrangement bring the beauty of the garden into your home or send it to brighten someone’s day with Artistic Flowers your trusted Lake Oswego florist.

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Please note that flowers are subject to availability and they may differ in color, type, or appearance then pictured on our website.

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